
Being Away From Home

So far... I have found that staying at home is the easiest way to stay on track.  When I am hungry, I can be sure that each meal or snack is nutritious and I know exactly what's in it.  I remember to eat and get my minimum of 5 times of eating in a day.  When I'm away I forget to eat sometimes because we get busy.  At home it's a controlled environment.  But I realize I can't be a hermit and stay at home all the time.  There are people we enjoy spending time with and things we have to do.  So I'm getting better about having snacks with me.  I do it for the kids, so it's really not that much more to do.  The other thing is to keep water with me.  If I don't then half the day goes by and I haven't had my water.  

This weekend we went to my husbands parents.  My mother-in-law had meals planned for the whole time.  I just brought the few things I needed to stay on track with my eating plan.  It was so nice to have the weekend off.  I didn't have to figure out what to fix for the rest of the crew.  I am doing my best to bring my family along with me on this journey.  But, there are some things I'm doing to get the weight off quickly that isn't really reasonable for a grown man and two little ones.  Like eating spinach for a snack or No carbs after late afternoon.  By the next morning I feel a little cranky and ready to eat, so I'm not interested in making them do that too! And the rest of the house doesn't want any part in this no salt and butter business.  I can handle that, I never really added a ton to begin with and they all eat the fresh veggies.  

This weekend marked the end of week 4 and I'm just about done with Month 1. Still pushing forward and learning new meal ideas with all the fresh vegetables and low -fat meats. For a little while longer, no carbs for dinner.  I try my best to make a dinner we can all eat and then I just don't have the carbs.  I'll let you know how that goes.  It's been challenging so far.  3 days down.  At least 4 more to go, maybe 11 more. 

1 comment:

Lorie said...

I'm kind of doing the opposite. I'm trying not to have too many carbs during the day then fixing & eating dinner like I normally do. I agree with the cranky part, by dinner I'm SO ready for some carbs.