
The Busy-ness of Life

Well, the past couple of weeks have been the busiest things have been in a while.  I am in the middle of studying for a a test to validate my teaching license.  VBS is going on at church.  Along with all the other responsibilities of being a stay at home mom.  This has been a good test for my new lifestyle of eating healthy.  In the past, I would eat the quickest food I could grab when I was on the go.  Now, because I am being very conscious of what I'm eating, and I don't want to mess it up just because I'm in a hurry, I am learning to plan ahead.  It's actually helped me to get organized and even get places on time occasionally (only occasionally =) )  I have started thinking through every night what I will eat the next day. Snacks and meals.  This has been very beneficial for my eating plan.  But it's also helped my stress level.  I think through the next day what we will do, get everything set out, and prepare whatever needs to be prepared.  When I wake up in the morning I am ready to go.  It makes the morning and breakfast go so much smoother.  It also makes eating healthy much easier.  I find that when I'm very hungry, something healthy doesn't always sound the best.  But when it's already prepared I don't mind eating it.  Ultimately food is fuel, and I just need something to eat.  It doesn't have to be the best tasting thing in the world.  Which is actually what I've been avoiding for a while.

Running update:
I'm still walking 6 mornings a week.  I have been building up to running.  This week I have been doing 15 min. total running.  I do 5 different running times (3, 3, 2, 3, 4).  I am learning to really enjoy it.  The time goes by very quickly and it has become a refreshing quiet time with the Lord in the morning.  And it feels good to do something for myself that I enjoy that doesn't really have anything to do with being a mommy or a wife.  I think it actually makes me enjoy those things more.  

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